Friday, October 10, 2008

Picture Perfect.

I currently have a client who is promoting a cleaning product that we refer to as a "chemical breakthough". On our landing page we use various combinations for the first image, above the fold, that searchers see. Two examples are shown below, one relating to the "chemical breakthrough" and the other a "Before and After" shot. Can you guess which landing page converted better?

The landing page with the image on the right converted significantly better than the one on the left. The reason is because it showed what the product does or can do, it would be relevant to the search term and it addresses the user's problem much better than the first. Keeping in mind that both landing pages used "Before and After" pictures below the fold (yet one did better than the other), you can see the importance of the first image users see.

The Lesson
Make sure that the image that users first see when they arrive on your landing page is attention grabbing and related to the search they just performed. If someone searched for "new mazda BT-50" then make sure the first image they see is a Mazda BT-50. If somone searched for "African Thatch Hut" then make sure your first image is an African Thatch Hut.

Ask Yourself?
What is the first image people see when then arrive on my landing page?
Do I have a unique image for each adgroup?

Sidenote: this post is more relevant to businesses who are promoting products. Service based businesses should achieve the same outcome with solution based titles. (A post for another day).